
Get Config

Returns config value(s).


mixed Document::getConfig([string $varName]);

Parameters - $varName: Name of the config value to be retrieved (optional).

Return Values - If no argument is provided, it'll return entire config. - If an agrument is provided, it'll return corresponding value.


$document->getConfig('title'); //'title'
$document->getConfig(); //['title' => 'test', 'layout' => 'layout.html']

Set Config

This method sets config value(s).


$this Document::setConfig(mixed $prop [, mixed $value])

parameters - $prop: If an (associative) array is provided, entire config will be overwritten. If a string is provided, second argument will be its value. - value: Value to be assigned to $prop. Only applicable if $prop is string. Default value is null

Return Value - Current instance of document ($this). Makes Method Chainable.


$document->setConfig('title', 'Another Title');
$document->getConfig(); //['title' => 'Another Title', 'layout' => 'layout.html']

$document->setConfig(['title'=> 'Random Title', 'category' => 'yet another category']);
$document->getConfig();//['title'=> 'Random Title', 'category' => 'yet another category']